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Indoor CO2 demystified

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  • Post last modified:August 17, 2024

Indoor CO2 levels demystified. 

What is good, what is bad: Ask Birdie! If he stands proud and tall, all good, you dont worry – if Birdie fainted, its time to open a window. 

Simple as that.

What is good or what is bad, and what is still good enough… we can debate a lot how much CO2 is good or bad. And even if you get a number, say 1288ppm… does this mean anything to you?

So we make this post a short one and we take all the guesswork out. The solution is simple as that:

Follow Birdie, your Indoor Air Hero! And here is how he will guide you to breathe fresh air!



Disclaimer: we getting benefits from selling Birdie. So feel free to explore other product options if you feel we could be biased; but in all honesty: with Birdie, you never go wrong!